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"Doing business with someone that you have never met requires straight answers, service when you order, and a quality product delivered without problems. Bracelets For America came highly recommended and I know why. We trusted Vicki to help raise funds to build the Arkansas Fallen Firefighters' Memorial. We've ordered several times and we'll order again."
Johnny Reep, Chairman"In my unit's time of need, Bracelets For America was there and provided outstanding service and a product of superior quality. They were responsive to our every request and provided my unit with bracelets we are proud to wear to this day."
MAJ Marc Belscamper"As a Fire Service we must never forget the men and women who gave it all on 9-11? We have bought hundreds of Bracelets For America to keep this in our minds and hearts. Great company, fast service, guaranteed quick delivery. Have bought in the past and will continue to buy."
Mike Knott"I wear a bracelet in memory of my mother who died of breast cancer. It makes me feel good to look down, see her name, and be reminded that she is always with me."
Anonymous"I wear my bracelet 24/7. It never comes off my wrist. The bracelet is a constant daily reminder to me of the events of 9/11 and the loss of 343 New York City firefighters, many of them my closest and dearest friends."
Capt. James P. Ellson, Sr., FDNY Retired"Your bracelets are the perfect way to keep those that we love close to us all the time. I have not taken my bracelet off, even when going through the security check points at the airport. I explain the significance of the bracelet and the security people totally understand. I have often been asked what that is on my wrist and it allows me to tell them about Keith."
Ken Fairben, Father of Paramedic Keith Fairben, lost 9/11/01"I wear my bracelet every do my wife and close friends. These are reminders of a day I would not wish on my worst enemy...but I wear it with pride, and love. Over the years, many people have commented on the bracelet and I generally tell them about our sons, then I take the bracelet off my wrist and give it to the person who was kind enough to ask about it. There are many wonderful people wearing these bracelets keeping the spirit of our sons and all those brave souls who were killed on 9-11 alive."
Capt. John Vigiano, FDNY RetiredContact Us About Us Customer Service Links Sitemap Testimonials Spirit Bracelet & Tags |
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